My Sacred Connection is a collection of intuitive writings about the soul's experiential journey connecting with the energy of Creator; its about the Self meeting it's Higher Self and attuning the finite mind with the infinite mind or Divine Mind; its the process of our soul's evolution and expansion; it's consciousness merging with Creator, with Light, Love and Truth.

Friday, August 12, 2011


"Every human being is the author of his own health or disease ... to enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind, he can find the way to enlightenment, to all wisdom, and virtue will naturally come to him”.
Buddha ~

Intent ~

     ..... Originally, when I started to write my blog, my intent was to use it as a tool to develop and monitor my personal dialogue between self and Creator. It has evolved into a format that holds a space and intent to reach out, connect, and share with others the knowledge I have abstracted from my own experience of the awakening process. My hope being, in sharing these experiences they act as assistance resonant of truth and comfort as well, offering confirmation for those sentient beings not fully recognizing the reality and potential impact their awakening process has on the physical body/apparatus and being. In simple speak, to help confirm that as you open yourself to spiritual consciousness expansion, the process absolutely has an impact on all aspects of your physical and energetic being as well as, all existence. This process comes with a necessary commitment and responsibility of self ... to one’s own self-care ..... love self -- higher self -- Creator .....

Recent Experience ~

    ..... Until my husband and I find an environment that feels comfortable for us to live as a family unit, it has become routine to make frequent cross country trips to spend time with dear friends and family. As a ‘sensitive’ it’s been an interesting process to prepare myself energetically to adapt physically to the different locations within my circle of travel. As much as one attempts to prepare the body for an adventure, the internal wisdom of the body always seems to have a new frame of reference to teach and guide you from. Of course it does! Our bodies are made of energy -- and energy is always in motion! Why do I continue to forget this -- preparing my body as if its cellular structure hadn’t changed since the last trip?!? Especially with all that is going on in our world today -- economically, environmentally, socially, and energetically -- the stress on the physicality is enormous. 

    After the return of a recent trip I found my physical body responding as though it didn’t belong to me and I had entered a foreign grid system that required a whole different set of energy requirements that I was not privy to. I called upon some of my usual ‘spiritual hygiene’ practices with no resolve. I gave into the belief that I was exhausted because of the time difference however, this went on for days ... then weeks ... then I decided there must be something physically wrong with me. Ughh ... back to that default program ... Well, as they say “when in doubt ... check it out”. So I did -- Just as I thought -- this was another energetic transition and repercussion of my awakening or ascension process.

..... “Physician, Heal Thyself”, has a biblical origin in the verse (Luke 4:23): “And he said unto them, ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician heal thyself”. Although the proverb has many different interpretations, for me it not only refers to the importance of “tending my own garden” or taking care of myself, it also serves as a reminder as how  to manage my own health care -- organically and holistically by merging with self -- higher-self -- examining thoughts, motivations, choices, and perceptions within each moment .....

    As I experience it, energetic information entering into our field of awareness comes in all forms. The repercussions of our consciousness expansion process on the physical and emotional body experienced through a procession of energetic downloads events can present themselves in a myriad of different symptoms, situations, is very real, and needs to payed attention to for proper discernment and assimilation. Experiencing physical triggers such as: extreme fatigue, digestive problems, dizziness, headache, overwhelming sadness, anxiety, sensitivity to your location, environment, and other symptoms should be addressed immediately as they serve as our cue to go within, tune into what is mis-aligned and self-correct. 
    These triggers can present challenge to even the strongest as they plod through their day without considering the depletion that occurs or their source at the cellular level within them. Speaking to the ‘strongest’, no kudos are given here as I have discovered, having a high tolerance for pain adds in delaying the process, and creates an element of denial that which is being experienced by the body, is everything but a by-product of our ever shifting reality and evolving consciousness matrix.
..... I am in control of what I attach value to ...
I have come to discover the importance of a consistent “spiritual hygiene practice” as  maintenance of my physical body .....   

    As we know, our cells existence within its environment is directly related to how each cell is sourced with energy. Realizing that our systems are permeable to receiving information through an electrical circuitry via the nervous system, it in turn sets forth a series of electrical reactions throughout the endocrine system, therefore creating the cellular environment of either health or dis-ease. Following suit, each aspect of our physicality has it’s own experience and accordingly, is perfectly and rhythmically connected to each micro-cosmic cellular process -- which in turn is an integral contributor to the cause and effect of the infinite, expanding, and evolving multi-dimensional universal macro-cosmo-osity -- always attempting universal balance and harmony. 

..... Self-care means choosing behaviors, beliefs, and practices that balance the effects of emotional and physical stressors: exercising, eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, monitoring thoughts, practicing yoga, meditation or relaxation techniques, abstaining from substance abuse, and pursuing creative outlets that honor and nurture the soul-self .....

    The intuitive community has long known and respected the concept of “self-care, or a spiritual hygiene practice”. Now with our example, the medical community is beginning to experience its validity and necessity. We are seeing more evidence of the medical community striving to integrate and transition their practices into an intuitive self-directed organic healing model. You may be thinking to yourself, this is a good thing, of course it is, unfortunately some of the deeply engrained programing, set protocols of diagnosis, and treatment according to symptoms still exists, versus addressing the stressor from its place of origin. There will always be a place for emergency and corrective medicine while we are in this physical body and while the integration of preventative and consciousness medicine into the medical field evolves to its full potential within the collective.

 Recommendation ~

    Meanwhile extreme self-care is vital for a more comfortable awakening -- ascension process. When we take care of ourselves, we are in fact nurturing the universe and in turn allows the universe to nurture us. Let go of the old default-programing that tells you that you need to persevere -- give yourself permission to merge and connect with self -- higher-self, all that exists, aligning your frequency to the highest order of Divine and Creator.
    Being sequestered by our body to rest during the challenges of the awakening -- ascension process is actually allowing us to transition seamlessly into this new paradigm. It is a natural by-product of our reprogramming process.
     If we continue to fight the current of this process, we get in the way of the effortless flow and rhythm of the universe. As we consciously allow ourselves to become more of Source Energy through this process, the more we will be working in unity and partnership with Source -- Creator -- giving, receiving, and emanating pure love, truth, joy, and peace. 

With Love & Grace,
