My Sacred Connection is a collection of intuitive writings about the soul's experiential journey connecting with the energy of Creator; its about the Self meeting it's Higher Self and attuning the finite mind with the infinite mind or Divine Mind; its the process of our soul's evolution and expansion; it's consciousness merging with Creator, with Light, Love and Truth.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What's Behind the Language Your'e Speaking ~

I am happy to be connecting with you with a heart and soul that holds an embedded language, allowing me to express fully from who I AM and all that I ~ WE have access to and are connected to. The intent behind the use of this language is that it embody a purity of truth, it be received from a pure loving Source, and be propelled into form through focused thought, intent, artful expression, and emotion charged with Love and Truth-fullness ~

In our current culture we use a language and symbols that attempt to define truth through the use of boundaries, codes, and protocols in the name of revering truthfulness. In fact, the misuse of this important “truth principle” has manifested into a distortion of truth and has created the opposite reality for us to exist in. This language no longer resonates truth ~ can not create truthfulness ~ we know and feel it is failing! We are now challenged to to perceive truth with a finer sense of discernment ~ through feeling. Ask your self what is behind the language you are hearing and speaking to yourself and others?

Fortunately we are constantly presented with situations and experiences providing us with opportunities to examine what universal principals we are adopting and choose to use as we create our lives. We have the choice to use current codes and protocols that don’t quite get us to where it feels right or truthful ~ We have a choice! In the language of our current internet system we can create using our own codes: 


Take time in each situation presented to you to identify if the language you hear and use to speak holds truth in its purist form, represents what you feel is right, and believe is right. Use truth it in its purest form to create and express your reality into manifestation. Ask to be witness and to facilitate loving and truthful events in your life, experience truth, express truthfulness, and defend truthfulness!!! 

My intent in sharing this language process with you, is that it will elicit a trigger reminding you that the preparation of what goes on behind the scene ~ Is in fact dependent on what becomes heard, felt, and seen ~

I would love to hear your comments and experiences:

With Love & Grace,