My Sacred Connection is a collection of intuitive writings about the soul's experiential journey connecting with the energy of Creator; its about the Self meeting it's Higher Self and attuning the finite mind with the infinite mind or Divine Mind; its the process of our soul's evolution and expansion; it's consciousness merging with Creator, with Light, Love and Truth.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things ~

My heart is filled with gratitude as I witness the grandeur of the early morning rays of sun light -- I enjoy the time I have to pause reverently to watch the sun’s beams as they effortlessly shine through the dawn sky -- After the beams illuminate the sky, ever so seamlessly the reflection of the sunrise then glistens over the water --

Accompanying this spectacular event, is the sound of the birds chirping, like musical instruments announcing the sun’s rising on a clear spring morning --

The delicate, delicious and distinct smell of tropical vegetation as the gentle humidity mists their leaves -- The awe I feel when I see the bright and brilliant colors of the bougainvillea, hibiscus and other elegant flowers --

I am grateful for the innocence and peacefulness I sense in the dawning of this new day for I have been once again gifted with clean pallet in which to create and draw to me more of what I prefer to experience in my life ~

With Love & Grace,

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