My Sacred Connection is a collection of intuitive writings about the soul's experiential journey connecting with the energy of Creator; its about the Self meeting it's Higher Self and attuning the finite mind with the infinite mind or Divine Mind; its the process of our soul's evolution and expansion; it's consciousness merging with Creator, with Light, Love and Truth.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

PART I: Your “Spiritual Consciouness Bank Account”

February 2, 2011

This morning my husband and I went to the gym for a workout, I claimed my tread mill while my husband immediately grabbed the TV clicker. Once on the tread mill I began my thought process of "Creating my Sacred Space", asking to raise and keep my frequency in alignment with all that is good, while my husband went through his process of channel surfing - I’m sure you’ve witnessed this “man sport”!

Little did my husband know, before we arrived someone decided to scramble to remote control leaving an aggravating situation and experience for the next person as well as a choice to either fix or ignore the problem. Given the combination of my husband’s character and love for the morning news he chose to fix the issue!

Well into my workout, my husband
was finally able to reprogram the TV. While he was working on this it occurred to me, my husband had just made an "energy deposit" so to speak into his "Spiritual Bank Account”. By choosing to fix the remote he was actually making a "deposit" into his "Spiritual Consciousness Bank Account" expanding and raising his frequency using Universal principles in alignment with goodness, kindness, and a loving choice. Versus making a decision resulting in a "withdrawal" from his "Spiritual Bank Account" ultimately representing a lower energy frequency in which to create from! This is a very simple 3-D example of how in the moment our choice acts as a powerful and creative tool.

On a daily basis we all witness people who choose to focus their energy on selfish, foolish, and non-productive activity. Gratefully, we are also witness to others who embody a consciousness allowing them in the moment to consider the consequences of their thoughts, choices, and actions. Consciously they choose to put their energy, thoughts, and activities into holding the intent, their choices and actions benefit the individual, community, and the collective.

Consider choosing to focus your thoughts and actions as deposits into your "Spiritual Consciousness Bank Account" that requires a minimum balance to maintain alignment with goodness, truth, and loving behavior. Now consider how this same process, focusing your thoughts, decisions, and actions can act as withdraws against of your “Spiritual Consciousness Bank Account”! 

How much of your "Spiritual Consciousness Bank Account" are you willing to spend on things that offer NO return or over draft your account? How much of your "Spiritual Consciousness Bank Account" are you giving away in the course of your day to things that don’t add to the quality of your time, your day, and life experience. As human beings and Divine beings we have been gifted with "Free Will", the ability to choose. Choose well!

David Icke: 
Sound Vibration Creates Form 

With Love & Grace,


I look forward to your comments, questions, and shared experiences -

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