My Sacred Connection is a collection of intuitive writings about the soul's experiential journey connecting with the energy of Creator; its about the Self meeting it's Higher Self and attuning the finite mind with the infinite mind or Divine Mind; its the process of our soul's evolution and expansion; it's consciousness merging with Creator, with Light, Love and Truth.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Moving Forward Into 2012

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
& Exquisite 2012
During this time of year we celebrate as a holiday practicing good conduct toward our fellow man -- Consider extending this behavior from the emotions you feel into to this New Year 2012! How wonderful to exist in an environment where all life is able to experience kindness, compassion, love, integrity, honor and truth!

With Love & Grace,


Tuesday, November 1, 2011


The reality shift you have requested and have been anticipating is not the responsibility of others outside of yourself ... the shift is your responsibility ... The shift happens when your frequency or energy vibration, your recognition, clarity of heart and discernment of what is resonant with what you define as holding the highest integrity are all in balanced alignment!

“You can not perceive what you are not the vibration of ... What you are not the vibration of will remain invisible to you! So then ... be in the state of the reality that you prefer to experience in order to operate within it ... all your experiences are based upon the definitions and belief systems you have placed upon situations and have bought into!

Choose what you would prefer to experience and peruse it with intent and the full integrity that you are capable of acting upon -- follow the excitement of that choice -- and this will lead to more experiences that are aligned with your desire to experience joy, happiness, love, and truth in your life. Intend and allow all your actions and experiences manifested into form to serve your best and highest good!”

Joy, Happiness, Love, Excitement, and Truth are the manifested translations or interpretations manifested into your physical space that your vibrational energy match and represent that which you choose and focus to have or be in this life at any one time.

In each moment you transition into a brand new you leaving behind old default programs that no longer exists in the now moment. You are here now to welcome the vibration of the new you, to maintain and emanate the new you. You in this new moment are able to align and experience the new reality of your choice. In each new moment you are gifted with the opportunity to use your free will to create from a pallet of resonant choices more aligned with the purity that exists within your heart and soul.
Don’t Get Caught Up in the Details -- Trust and Believe the Guidance You are Being Given by Your Higher Essence -- Let it Go and Be at Peace --
As always, I am in deep gratitude to my guidance system that continues to provide me with a stream of seaming-less serendipitous and synchronistic events and experiences in my life that allow me to connect to the higher frequencies of my higher self and to Creator.

With Love & Grace,


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Tap Into the Flow --

Recently, I have immersed myself in the essence of the creative process, tapping into my creativity, my creative potential, and process and flow of creation. Here are a couple of things I would like to share with you.
Recognize the opportunities presented to you, allowing you to step into your authenticity. When you do, you automatically attune to an alignment of joy, truthful expression, and peace that serves not only yourself but others.

Gandhi stated: “happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony”.

Never underestimate the importance of honoring your own fulfillment and happiness -- it ripples out beyond you more than you may ever see or know. Rather than what appears to be rocking the boat for others by being who you are, you actually elicit a recall in those other people that allows them to choose to do the same. Observe, look, and listen to all the clues being presented to you. By recognizing these intuitive directives as you clues rather than confusion, you will start to see them everywhere and piece their guidance together.

Steve Jobs has left us with some interesting advice based on his experience and willingness to relentlessly follow his inner vision into form.

“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. Most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

“Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square hole -- the ones who see things differently -- they’re not fond of rules. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things -- they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do”.

“In most people’s vocabularies, design means veneer. It’s interior decorating. It’s the fabric of the curtains of the sofa. But to me, nothing could be further from the meaning of design. Design is the fundamental soul of a human-made creation that ends up expressing itself in successive outer layers of the product or service”.

Dig deep -- what are you passionate about in your life?
Allow yourself to tap into your own heart’s intuition, inner wisdom, and full knowing that directs those passions within. These will serve to help you bring them into form as you create your own life, as well, they will serve others. This comes when you fully embody what you believe and express and reflecting an authentic, joyful and happy self!

Get Into the Flow and Enjoy Your Process!

With Love & Grace,

Sunday, September 11, 2011


As you may well have experienced, the process of clearing all forms of
clutter from your life opens the door to the inevitable and amazing process
of personal growth. “Out with Old & In with the New”. The process of
cleansing from the core essence of self, allows one to realign each specific
aspect of self with new choices and experiences. Each new choice offers the
potential to connect you to the Divine and manifest that which will restore
balance and harmony within the physical and spiritual core self, in turn
 emanating throughout the external reality and beyond.

In times past, the ancient disciplined system of Feng Shui followed the belief that by honoring self, spirit, and environment -- balance would be achieved between ‘heaven and earth’. As well, by integrating a set of fundamental principles of experienced reality, seen as a combination of interconnected concepts regarding the relationships between man, its environment, and spirit, it was believed that man could manifest heaven on earth.

Aspects of Physical Self

With this concept in mind, what we have come to experience is that the physical reality surrounding us, does in fact, reflect our inner relationship to self, life, and to our Creator. As we examine what surrounds us, we must remember our life is created by that which holds and occupies the focus of our heart, spirit, and mind. All our fears, the integrity we hold, our beliefs, relationships, career, and our compassion towards others are  our fundamental building blocks in which we create our life. Now is the time to look at the building blocks we are using and up-grade them if need be, with an open heart, mind, and spirit allowing us to create exactly what we want and how we want to feel. Each of us has the choice and right to experience being happy, healthy, joyful, loving, giving, creative, and know we have access to infinite abundance and creative potential.

The Cleansing Process.
What ignites the desire in self to begin a cleansing process?

Respecting and acknowledging the fact, that the majority of us have felt impressed to clear and shift the uncomfortable congestion burdening our beings out of our experience and lives for some time now. This serves as a short reminder of the symptoms that accelerated us forward to eliminate all that was not well in our world. This cleansing process has given us permission to let go of all experiences and situations in our lives that have not felt good. Collectively we have agreed, we will not continue to perpetuate what is not worthy of our energetic resources, our time, and trust. As the external situations began to present themselves as discord within our internal physicality, mental, and emotional worlds -- we identified them and chose to let go -- one by one -- out they went.

How does one go about the ‘cleansing’ process?

The old saying “your body is your temple” is an appropriate when discussing the cleansing process. In recent decades respecting one’s ‘being as a temple’ which houses the core of our essence has gone by the wayside until now. We have come to realize what harm can be done to the expression of self and of divine self when we allow ourselves to be manipulated, controlled, and disconnected to our “temple”. So intuitively we looked within. 

When looking within self -- we identify all that does not feel clean, clear, happy, joyful, or act to contribute to the functioning of our temple -- must go. So we created a plan -- grabbed the mop, sponge, soap and water and started to clean! We started with the superficial layers and then went for the deeper cleaning in all the cracks and crevices of heart, mind, and back to spirit. 


What do you introduce and integrate into you life after a cleansing process?

How do you introduce and integrate experiences, opportunities, relationships, and careers that feel good, joyful, healthy, and most of all contribute to your core being? Certainly not by following the residue of the old templates. Instead you mindfully, take your time to get reacquainted with yourself, you research and explore the possibility of compatible experiences, opportunities, and situations that fit into your life, feel good, and allow you to express yourself from the place of feeling good. Like puzzle pieces you fit them together piece by piece.

After the clearing of clutter from your life, you will discover you are left with an organic power to create from a space, which will attract new things into your life. You will draw upon an intuitive energy and creativity guiding you to design your life reflective of your authentic self. 

It is my firm belief that each of us has an embedded Divine lineage, a set of behavior codes, and intuitive gifts that have been bestowed upon us from our Divine Parent. It is through this vulnerable process of recalling and using these gifts -- one begins to create their life -- their reality -- resonant of -- their Divine Parent and Divine Home.

With this blank canvass using your tools and skills founded in your unique, embedded organic configuration of loving truth, gratitude, grace, and clear guidance -- I welcome you to begin to create as if you were looking through the eyes of a newborn child -- with awe, -- amazement, and curiosity --
Go off and CREATE!

So,  How do you choose to color your world?
  • In the language that you speak -- what words will you choose to speak?
  • If you are an artist -- what art will you choose to create?
  • If you are a writer -- what will choose to document?
  • If you are an educator -- what will you choose to teach, by book or example?
  • If you are a Mother or Father -- how will choose to nurture?
  • If you are Husband or Wife -- what kind of partner will you be?
  • If you are a physician -- how will you promote health and well being?
  • If you are a engineer -- what will you choose to design?


With Love & Grace,

Friday, August 12, 2011


"Every human being is the author of his own health or disease ... to enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind, he can find the way to enlightenment, to all wisdom, and virtue will naturally come to him”.
Buddha ~

Intent ~

     ..... Originally, when I started to write my blog, my intent was to use it as a tool to develop and monitor my personal dialogue between self and Creator. It has evolved into a format that holds a space and intent to reach out, connect, and share with others the knowledge I have abstracted from my own experience of the awakening process. My hope being, in sharing these experiences they act as assistance resonant of truth and comfort as well, offering confirmation for those sentient beings not fully recognizing the reality and potential impact their awakening process has on the physical body/apparatus and being. In simple speak, to help confirm that as you open yourself to spiritual consciousness expansion, the process absolutely has an impact on all aspects of your physical and energetic being as well as, all existence. This process comes with a necessary commitment and responsibility of self ... to one’s own self-care ..... love self -- higher self -- Creator .....

Recent Experience ~

    ..... Until my husband and I find an environment that feels comfortable for us to live as a family unit, it has become routine to make frequent cross country trips to spend time with dear friends and family. As a ‘sensitive’ it’s been an interesting process to prepare myself energetically to adapt physically to the different locations within my circle of travel. As much as one attempts to prepare the body for an adventure, the internal wisdom of the body always seems to have a new frame of reference to teach and guide you from. Of course it does! Our bodies are made of energy -- and energy is always in motion! Why do I continue to forget this -- preparing my body as if its cellular structure hadn’t changed since the last trip?!? Especially with all that is going on in our world today -- economically, environmentally, socially, and energetically -- the stress on the physicality is enormous. 

    After the return of a recent trip I found my physical body responding as though it didn’t belong to me and I had entered a foreign grid system that required a whole different set of energy requirements that I was not privy to. I called upon some of my usual ‘spiritual hygiene’ practices with no resolve. I gave into the belief that I was exhausted because of the time difference however, this went on for days ... then weeks ... then I decided there must be something physically wrong with me. Ughh ... back to that default program ... Well, as they say “when in doubt ... check it out”. So I did -- Just as I thought -- this was another energetic transition and repercussion of my awakening or ascension process.

..... “Physician, Heal Thyself”, has a biblical origin in the verse (Luke 4:23): “And he said unto them, ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician heal thyself”. Although the proverb has many different interpretations, for me it not only refers to the importance of “tending my own garden” or taking care of myself, it also serves as a reminder as how  to manage my own health care -- organically and holistically by merging with self -- higher-self -- examining thoughts, motivations, choices, and perceptions within each moment .....

    As I experience it, energetic information entering into our field of awareness comes in all forms. The repercussions of our consciousness expansion process on the physical and emotional body experienced through a procession of energetic downloads events can present themselves in a myriad of different symptoms, situations, is very real, and needs to payed attention to for proper discernment and assimilation. Experiencing physical triggers such as: extreme fatigue, digestive problems, dizziness, headache, overwhelming sadness, anxiety, sensitivity to your location, environment, and other symptoms should be addressed immediately as they serve as our cue to go within, tune into what is mis-aligned and self-correct. 
    These triggers can present challenge to even the strongest as they plod through their day without considering the depletion that occurs or their source at the cellular level within them. Speaking to the ‘strongest’, no kudos are given here as I have discovered, having a high tolerance for pain adds in delaying the process, and creates an element of denial that which is being experienced by the body, is everything but a by-product of our ever shifting reality and evolving consciousness matrix.
..... I am in control of what I attach value to ...
I have come to discover the importance of a consistent “spiritual hygiene practice” as  maintenance of my physical body .....   

    As we know, our cells existence within its environment is directly related to how each cell is sourced with energy. Realizing that our systems are permeable to receiving information through an electrical circuitry via the nervous system, it in turn sets forth a series of electrical reactions throughout the endocrine system, therefore creating the cellular environment of either health or dis-ease. Following suit, each aspect of our physicality has it’s own experience and accordingly, is perfectly and rhythmically connected to each micro-cosmic cellular process -- which in turn is an integral contributor to the cause and effect of the infinite, expanding, and evolving multi-dimensional universal macro-cosmo-osity -- always attempting universal balance and harmony. 

..... Self-care means choosing behaviors, beliefs, and practices that balance the effects of emotional and physical stressors: exercising, eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, monitoring thoughts, practicing yoga, meditation or relaxation techniques, abstaining from substance abuse, and pursuing creative outlets that honor and nurture the soul-self .....

    The intuitive community has long known and respected the concept of “self-care, or a spiritual hygiene practice”. Now with our example, the medical community is beginning to experience its validity and necessity. We are seeing more evidence of the medical community striving to integrate and transition their practices into an intuitive self-directed organic healing model. You may be thinking to yourself, this is a good thing, of course it is, unfortunately some of the deeply engrained programing, set protocols of diagnosis, and treatment according to symptoms still exists, versus addressing the stressor from its place of origin. There will always be a place for emergency and corrective medicine while we are in this physical body and while the integration of preventative and consciousness medicine into the medical field evolves to its full potential within the collective.

 Recommendation ~

    Meanwhile extreme self-care is vital for a more comfortable awakening -- ascension process. When we take care of ourselves, we are in fact nurturing the universe and in turn allows the universe to nurture us. Let go of the old default-programing that tells you that you need to persevere -- give yourself permission to merge and connect with self -- higher-self, all that exists, aligning your frequency to the highest order of Divine and Creator.
    Being sequestered by our body to rest during the challenges of the awakening -- ascension process is actually allowing us to transition seamlessly into this new paradigm. It is a natural by-product of our reprogramming process.
     If we continue to fight the current of this process, we get in the way of the effortless flow and rhythm of the universe. As we consciously allow ourselves to become more of Source Energy through this process, the more we will be working in unity and partnership with Source -- Creator -- giving, receiving, and emanating pure love, truth, joy, and peace. 

With Love & Grace,


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Emotional Mastery ~

By Cheryl Lenz ~

    ~ Emotional-Self-Mastery, can be experienced as having the freedom and ability to create your reality, to live, and express yourself from the purity of your divine essence here on the earth. All aspects of your spiritual-essence-mind-body work together allowing you to navigate and create your reality from a state of remembrance, always connected to your Divine Lineage, and its perspective codes of Universal Law, balance, harmony, in reverence for all creation, order, and integrity.

    In simple terms, you exist as the expressive extension of Divine Creator, using the Divine Laws to express yourself in each pulse of life thereby, creating life itself in each moment by specific choice. As an individual essence or consciousness, you are here to create, always resonant, and in alignment with these principles, it is your purpose, distilled to its purest definition.

    Within our current culture it’s clear that on an intellectual, technological, and monetary levels, we have been programed to learn and become successful however, the use and understanding of our emotions from an intuitive perception has been limited culturally, self limited, and unsupported by mainstream’s code of ethics or standards up until now.

    What we have come to learn experientially is by integrating loving attitudes and truthfulness as our foundation, we have the ability to create our life from a set of principles, ideals, or behavior codes that exist within all aspects of our anatomy. These principles translate to our physical heart via a circuitry connection to our intuitive heart and Divine heart. By observing, honoring, and using information received from these principles, a heart resonant of love and truth, as a form of guidance, is our key component for creating and living a wonderfully full life, for ourselves, our family, friends, community, and the planet. Receiving, experiencing, discerning, trusting, and applying information from our emotional heart enables us to adapt to our challenging journey of a physical life and create our reality. Our emotional/intuitive heart helps direct us as we make decisions based in trust and heart felt truths instead of fear, confusion, and anxiety. Each person within humanity holds within their consciousness an imprint remembrance of These Universal Laws of Truth and of their Divine Lineage.

    In my experience, the truth principles embedded within my energetic knowing that have influenced me in creating my life include a combination of constitutional behaviors. In addition to navigating with the use of love and truth they include: gratitude, compassion, forgiveness, humility, tolerance or understanding, and integrity. I am sharing these with you to integrate into your daily life ~

* Gratitude: Is a virtue of awareness of appreciation that exposes genuine expressions of gratefulness because they stem from the frequencies of the multidimensionality of the soul instead of the manipulative motives of the ego or mind.

* Compassion: I experience compassion as a deep awareness of the suffering of another living creature and hold the desire within my heart and soul to relieve that suffering. As we awaken to our full potential, it is more comfortable and effective to consider compassion as a frequency that assists others to release their fears, and emotional turmoil allowing them to align themselves with their own creative potentiality, thereby honoring free will.

* Forgiveness: For me, forgiveness presents itself as a form of understanding, that each of us is doing the best we can under the circumstance of our life experience. Forgiveness may be experienced as an achieved state of acceptance or tolerance of a perceived injustice made against us by replacing this sense of victimhood or trauma with understanding, love, and compassion.

* Humility: Is the soul’s expression of unconditional love which is the most important purpose we are here to uphold while embodied in this physical reality. Humility is the realization that our heart, mind and soul co-exist and co-create in the presence of our self and Creator.

* Understanding: Can be described or experienced as a person holding respect and upholding the dignity and value of a person no matter what their believes are.  Understanding that each person has a right to create, live and express their own ideas. Again, honoring free will.

* Integrity: Is the desire and ability to behave in a manner that adheres to the moral and ethical principles of Creator. With the conscious use of the of trinity of good thoughts, good words, good deeds, resulting in upholding honesty and reverence of all life creation. The tremendous confusion and programing of our society today is a result of trying to meld legality and morality. There is a difference between what we are responsible and accountable to do legally, versus what we are responsible and accountable to be as spiritual beings contributing to the conscious evolution of creation itself.

The combination of these behavioral codes constitute the essence of a full knowing energetic heart, when expressed in our daily lives, enable us to perform and function from the aspect of our higher self, coming from its pure connection and alignment with our Creator.

    Regardless of what significance we assign to our intellect or brainpower, as a form of useful intelligence, it ultimately, is our Higher Self and pure essence that is the primary intelligence and navigator of Self. This primary intelligence is empowered through our emotional mastery and our ability to conduct our life from this platform combination of truths, which in turn unite us to our coherent connection to the Universe and to Creator ~
From my heart to yours ~

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Being Here Now ~

    As we continue to witness the extraordinary global events taking place day by day, experience their physical, emotional, and spiritual affects individually and as a species, we must recognize our choice to be present here at this unique time on the Earth. In these unprecedented days of geophysical shifting and cultural change propelling enormous shifts in conscious awareness, each of us, in our own way and timing are being triggered to recall our true nature, to accept, and step into our roles for higher purpose. Each day offers us opportunity to participate and contribute our purpose with love, grace, and gratitude as we meet our challenges.

    Each one of us have been, are being, and will continue to be called upon to, in the moment, realize the significance and responsibility of our creative potential. Each moment allows us an option to be pioneers of the future, creating a new world, and a new reality to exist in. Not only is it our responsibility, it’s why we are present here now. We are here to welcome and reintegrate the joy and purity of life, unconditional love, truth, Divine Law, and harmony back into the hearts and souls of humanity and all existence!

    It is Humanity’s request at this time, that all forms of greed, fear based control, corruption, irreverence of life, forced belief that Humanity is disconnected from Divine Order, be ushered out, and replaced with Universal Harmony. As we step into full knowing and trust we are the expressive extensions of Creator we are choosing to manifest into reality Universal Harmony, unconditional love, and truth.

    Realize your individual uniqueness and the power of your presence in the moment to creatively express your personal contribution resonant with Divine Order, with Divine Behavioral Integrity, and Universal Harmony ~

With Love & Grace,

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Recalibration ~

During a recent trip across the country, I had a very interesting experience happen to me. I am sharing this experience with you, in hope, it will elicit a recall of your own embedded information awaiting you, from your loving and protecting guidance system ~

One morning as my husband and I were driving through one of the beautiful states of our country, all of a sudden I started to feel light headed, my physical body began to feel light in weight, and I felt as if I existed outside of my body in another dimension while still present in this one. Simultaneously, I felt my physical heart stop beating momentarily, then shortly after it began beating again seemingly into a new rhythm.

Immediately, my human mind connected with the physical experience, wondering if there was something physically wrong with me that I should be concerned about. A moment later a feeling of full knowing came over me, that I was physically fine however, was experiencing an energetic recalibration. Trusting in that knowing, I comfortably, was able to relax and breathe into the experience allowing the process to unfold.

At the time, I didn’t focus on trying to receive any specific information about what was happening as much as I felt impressed to just intend and allow the information to embed into my being to recall and use at a later time.
A couple of weeks have passed since that experience and I have gone about my daily routine however, something has felt different. An interesting feeling of peace, enormous expansion, and a sense of unlimited creative potential in spite of all that is going on in our external world.

Interestingly enough, prior to this experience I was feeling impressed to re-evaluate different situations, relationships, and agreements in my life that have kept me feeling limited, controlled, and manipulated. As a result of having set that intent, it’s been as if someone looking down from above with a master check list has been helping me clear away situations that don’t contribute to who I feel I am morphing into.

I must say, each situation has demanded my full trust, requiring me to adopt an “out with the old, in with the new” attitude. In doing so, I feel as though I have created a back and forth dialogue in the form of a wordless energetic exchange, allowing a re-organization of what to integrate into my life. This energetic exchange has begun to present new opportunities, unfolding organically more suiting to me, and aligned to create from a space of reverence of Universal Harmony.

With a full knowing that my energetic anatomy is a living and creative expression of the consciousness I embody at any particular time. I feel connected, confident, and competent to continue creating with this new interactive process and energetic potential. Without my being attached to the outcome, requiring only trust in my convictions, that once I choose to let go of what does not feel right, there will be an energy exchange more resonant with a new Universal Harmony.

In Gratitude, to recall and recognize this ability to create from the purity and space of original creation founded in love and reverence, the intent to up hold the integrity of the Divine Order. I now feel free, and supported to attract loving experiences, opportunities, and ultimately a new reality to exist within. 

Recommended Audio Healing Sessions ~
Caroline Cory:

Healing Center: Library ~
Ascension: Clarifying & Releasing Fears
Brain Channel Alignment: New Paradigm
Calibrating Your Human-Divine DNA

Other Supportive Information ~

With Love & Grace,


Please visit home page to subscribe to future posts.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Change ~

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself”. Leo Tolstoy

With so much going on these days within the world around us, it’s easy to become distracted and succumb to collective fear, anxiety, and confusion. In the course of a day, how many times do you catch yourself and your energy being pulled into a direction, thinking, feeling, and creating that does not feel or result in empowering your life?

I certainly don’t want, or encourage anyone to become oblivious to the enormous events and changes happening around us however, I will encourage one to identify and call upon their innate resources to become part of the enormous change required to help humanity evolve!

The old saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day” holds meaning, as stone by stone and specific placement of stone by specific placement of stone did eventually build Rome. And so it is with each new day, each opportunity, experience, and expression you select, that you are contributing change to your existence, my existence, and all our existence.

Five simple resources to call upon during stressful times ~
~ Go within, tap into and connect to your Higher Self.
~ Intend your thoughts, words, and actions come from a loving heart & soul.
~ Take your time to think before you choose to you speak and act.
~ Trust you are guided and protected.
~ Trust your guidance.
~ Have Gratitude for everything!

With Love & Grace,


“True life is lived when tiny changes occur”. Leo Tolstoy

Simple Tools ~
Abraham - Hicks - What Are The Universal Laws

Abraham-Hicks - Deliberate Creation Exercise 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What's Behind the Language Your'e Speaking ~

I am happy to be connecting with you with a heart and soul that holds an embedded language, allowing me to express fully from who I AM and all that I ~ WE have access to and are connected to. The intent behind the use of this language is that it embody a purity of truth, it be received from a pure loving Source, and be propelled into form through focused thought, intent, artful expression, and emotion charged with Love and Truth-fullness ~

In our current culture we use a language and symbols that attempt to define truth through the use of boundaries, codes, and protocols in the name of revering truthfulness. In fact, the misuse of this important “truth principle” has manifested into a distortion of truth and has created the opposite reality for us to exist in. This language no longer resonates truth ~ can not create truthfulness ~ we know and feel it is failing! We are now challenged to to perceive truth with a finer sense of discernment ~ through feeling. Ask your self what is behind the language you are hearing and speaking to yourself and others?

Fortunately we are constantly presented with situations and experiences providing us with opportunities to examine what universal principals we are adopting and choose to use as we create our lives. We have the choice to use current codes and protocols that don’t quite get us to where it feels right or truthful ~ We have a choice! In the language of our current internet system we can create using our own codes: 


Take time in each situation presented to you to identify if the language you hear and use to speak holds truth in its purist form, represents what you feel is right, and believe is right. Use truth it in its purest form to create and express your reality into manifestation. Ask to be witness and to facilitate loving and truthful events in your life, experience truth, express truthfulness, and defend truthfulness!!! 

My intent in sharing this language process with you, is that it will elicit a trigger reminding you that the preparation of what goes on behind the scene ~ Is in fact dependent on what becomes heard, felt, and seen ~

I would love to hear your comments and experiences:

With Love & Grace,

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

PART I: Your “Spiritual Consciouness Bank Account”

February 2, 2011

This morning my husband and I went to the gym for a workout, I claimed my tread mill while my husband immediately grabbed the TV clicker. Once on the tread mill I began my thought process of "Creating my Sacred Space", asking to raise and keep my frequency in alignment with all that is good, while my husband went through his process of channel surfing - I’m sure you’ve witnessed this “man sport”!

Little did my husband know, before we arrived someone decided to scramble to remote control leaving an aggravating situation and experience for the next person as well as a choice to either fix or ignore the problem. Given the combination of my husband’s character and love for the morning news he chose to fix the issue!

Well into my workout, my husband
was finally able to reprogram the TV. While he was working on this it occurred to me, my husband had just made an "energy deposit" so to speak into his "Spiritual Bank Account”. By choosing to fix the remote he was actually making a "deposit" into his "Spiritual Consciousness Bank Account" expanding and raising his frequency using Universal principles in alignment with goodness, kindness, and a loving choice. Versus making a decision resulting in a "withdrawal" from his "Spiritual Bank Account" ultimately representing a lower energy frequency in which to create from! This is a very simple 3-D example of how in the moment our choice acts as a powerful and creative tool.

On a daily basis we all witness people who choose to focus their energy on selfish, foolish, and non-productive activity. Gratefully, we are also witness to others who embody a consciousness allowing them in the moment to consider the consequences of their thoughts, choices, and actions. Consciously they choose to put their energy, thoughts, and activities into holding the intent, their choices and actions benefit the individual, community, and the collective.

Consider choosing to focus your thoughts and actions as deposits into your "Spiritual Consciousness Bank Account" that requires a minimum balance to maintain alignment with goodness, truth, and loving behavior. Now consider how this same process, focusing your thoughts, decisions, and actions can act as withdraws against of your “Spiritual Consciousness Bank Account”! 

How much of your "Spiritual Consciousness Bank Account" are you willing to spend on things that offer NO return or over draft your account? How much of your "Spiritual Consciousness Bank Account" are you giving away in the course of your day to things that don’t add to the quality of your time, your day, and life experience. As human beings and Divine beings we have been gifted with "Free Will", the ability to choose. Choose well!

David Icke: 
Sound Vibration Creates Form 

With Love & Grace,


I look forward to your comments, questions, and shared experiences -

Friday, January 14, 2011

"Claiming My Art"!

I was recently asked to draw a card from a deck of inspirational cards -
The card read: “Claim Your Art” -
After some conversation with the “mini me” inside about what aspect of me is “art” -
I have decided - To move forward - Once again reaffirming Who I Am.
I AM choosing to “Claim, Own, and Share my Art”!
My "Art" is My Light - that - I choose to amplify in the form of intent and state of being!

May it serve to uplift - the many - multidimensionally! 

2011 is the year to embody “who we are” and be “who we are”!

Saturday, January 8, 2011



Individuals do not meet by chance. They ARE necessary in the experiences of others, though they may not always use their opportunities in a spiritual way or manner.

Edgar Cayce Reading 2751-1

This quote came across my path this morning and as I read the words they became a reminder to me of how grateful we should be for random and not so random people we meet on our life’s journey. It never seems easy when you are entangled in life's situations to clearly know or recognize the reason why or what lesson is required for our emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth when tested.

However, as we move forward expanding our consciousness we are called to approach situations, relationships and "choices" more consciously asking ourselves questions that help discern the best decision needed resulting in exposing the truth for the best outcome.

By experiencing this reordering of priorities and values established in “Spiritual Law”, a way  to express your self from integrity, truth and focus on your inner guidance will allow you to respond from the aspect of your higher divine self.

As we approach each situation, encounter, and relationship in our life we have the "choice" to make it poor, good, or great! Your “choice” is a very creative and powerful tool! I encourage you to explore the movement and growth that will occur in your life using the powerful creative tool of “choice”.

Comfortable “choices” made from your higher divine self will help you recall, recognize, and know truth which will allow you an infinite capacity to co-create your life in alignment with the "Spiritual Laws" of The Divine Order.

With Love & Grace,


Friday, January 7, 2011

Welcome 2011

Welcome 2011
“Your mind is the flow of God”
"There are very few human beings who receive the truth,
complete and staggering, by instant illumination.
Most of them acquire it fragment by fragment, on a small scale,
by successive development, cellularly, like a laborious mosaic."
        ----- Anais Nin

Beings of Light - Happy New Year!
2011 brings to us another year of mind, body, spiritual growth, and awakening. I am honored and excited to work along side the network of dedicated beings holding the intent to uphold the "Spiritual Laws" of The Divine Order and Principles of Unconditional Love and pure Truth.

It is my sincere hope 2011 provides you with the inspiration, resources, opportunities, support, and experiences you require to continue your journey of evolvement in 2011.

With Love & Grace,

Intuitive of Subtle Energies, Teacher, and Practitioner of "Consciousness Expansion" and Energy Healing.