As you may well have experienced, the process of clearing all forms of
clutter from your life opens the door to the inevitable and amazing process
of personal growth. “Out with Old & In with the New”. The process of
cleansing from the core essence of self, allows one to realign each specific
aspect of self with new choices and experiences. Each new choice offers the
potential to connect you to the Divine and manifest that which will restore
balance and harmony within the physical and spiritual core self, in turn
emanating throughout the external reality and beyond.
In times past, the ancient disciplined system of Feng Shui followed the belief that by honoring self, spirit, and environment -- balance would be achieved between ‘heaven and earth’. As well, by integrating a set of fundamental principles of experienced reality, seen as a combination of interconnected concepts regarding the relationships between man, its environment, and spirit, it was believed that man could manifest heaven on earth.
Aspects of Physical Self
With this concept in mind, what we have come to experience is that the physical reality surrounding us, does in fact, reflect our inner relationship to self, life, and to our Creator. As we examine what surrounds us, we must remember our life is created by that which holds and occupies the focus of our heart, spirit, and mind. All our fears, the integrity we hold, our beliefs, relationships, career, and our compassion towards others are our fundamental building blocks in which we create our life. Now is the time to look at the building blocks we are using and up-grade them if need be, with an open heart, mind, and spirit allowing us to create exactly what we want and how we want to feel. Each of us has the choice and right to experience being happy, healthy, joyful, loving, giving, creative, and know we have access to infinite abundance and creative potential.
The Cleansing Process.
What ignites the desire in self to begin a cleansing process?
Respecting and acknowledging the fact, that the majority of us have felt impressed to clear and shift the uncomfortable congestion burdening our beings out of our experience and lives for some time now. This serves as a short reminder of the symptoms that accelerated us forward to eliminate all that was not well in our world. This cleansing process has given us permission to let go of all experiences and situations in our lives that have not felt good. Collectively we have agreed, we will not continue to perpetuate what is not worthy of our energetic resources, our time, and trust. As the external situations began to present themselves as discord within our internal physicality, mental, and emotional worlds -- we identified them and chose to let go -- one by one -- out they went.
How does one go about the ‘cleansing’ process?
The old saying “your body is your temple” is an appropriate when discussing the cleansing process. In recent decades respecting one’s ‘being as a temple’ which houses the core of our essence has gone by the wayside until now. We have come to realize what harm can be done to the expression of self and of divine self when we allow ourselves to be manipulated, controlled, and disconnected to our “temple”. So intuitively we looked within.
When looking within self -- we identify all that does not feel clean, clear, happy, joyful, or act to contribute to the functioning of our temple -- must go. So we created a plan -- grabbed the mop, sponge, soap and water and started to clean! We started with the superficial layers and then went for the deeper cleaning in all the cracks and crevices of heart, mind, and back to spirit.
What do you introduce and integrate into you life after a cleansing process?
How do you introduce and integrate experiences, opportunities, relationships, and careers that feel good, joyful, healthy, and most of all contribute to your core being? Certainly not by following the residue of the old templates. Instead you mindfully, take your time to get reacquainted with yourself, you research and explore the possibility of compatible experiences, opportunities, and situations that fit into your life, feel good, and allow you to express yourself from the place of feeling good. Like puzzle pieces you fit them together piece by piece.
After the clearing of clutter from your life, you will discover you are left with an organic power to create from a space, which will attract new things into your life. You will draw upon an intuitive energy and creativity guiding you to design your life reflective of your authentic self.
It is my firm belief that each of us has an embedded Divine lineage, a set of behavior codes, and intuitive gifts that have been bestowed upon us from our Divine Parent. It is through this vulnerable process of recalling and using these gifts -- one begins to create their life -- their reality -- resonant of -- their Divine Parent and Divine Home.
With this blank canvass using your tools and skills founded in your unique, embedded organic configuration of loving truth, gratitude, grace, and clear guidance -- I welcome you to begin to create as if you were looking through the eyes of a newborn child -- with awe, -- amazement, and curiosity --
Go off and CREATE!
So, How do you choose to color your world?
- In the language that you speak -- what words will you choose to speak?
- If you are an artist -- what art will you choose to create?
- If you are a writer -- what will choose to document?
- If you are an educator -- what will you choose to teach, by book or example?
- If you are a Mother or Father -- how will choose to nurture?
- If you are Husband or Wife -- what kind of partner will you be?
- If you are a physician -- how will you promote health and well being?
- If you are a engineer -- what will you choose to design?