The reality shift you have requested and have been anticipating is not the responsibility of others outside of yourself ... the shift is your responsibility ... The shift happens when your frequency or energy vibration, your recognition, clarity of heart and discernment of what is resonant with what you define as holding the highest integrity are all in balanced alignment!
“You can not perceive what you are not the vibration of ... What you are not the vibration of will remain invisible to you! So then ... be in the state of the reality that you prefer to experience in order to operate within it ... all your experiences are based upon the definitions and belief systems you have placed upon situations and have bought into!
Choose what you would prefer to experience and peruse it with intent and the full integrity that you are capable of acting upon -- follow the excitement of that choice -- and this will lead to more experiences that are aligned with your desire to experience joy, happiness, love, and truth in your life. Intend and allow all your actions and experiences manifested into form to serve your best and highest good!”
Joy, Happiness, Love, Excitement, and Truth are the manifested translations or interpretations manifested into your physical space that your vibrational energy match and represent that which you choose and focus to have or be in this life at any one time.
In each moment you transition into a brand new you leaving behind old default programs that no longer exists in the now moment. You are here now to welcome the vibration of the new you, to maintain and emanate the new you. You in this new moment are able to align and experience the new reality of your choice. In each new moment you are gifted with the opportunity to use your free will to create from a pallet of resonant choices more aligned with the purity that exists within your heart and soul.
Choose what you would prefer to experience and peruse it with intent and the full integrity that you are capable of acting upon -- follow the excitement of that choice -- and this will lead to more experiences that are aligned with your desire to experience joy, happiness, love, and truth in your life. Intend and allow all your actions and experiences manifested into form to serve your best and highest good!”
Joy, Happiness, Love, Excitement, and Truth are the manifested translations or interpretations manifested into your physical space that your vibrational energy match and represent that which you choose and focus to have or be in this life at any one time.
In each moment you transition into a brand new you leaving behind old default programs that no longer exists in the now moment. You are here now to welcome the vibration of the new you, to maintain and emanate the new you. You in this new moment are able to align and experience the new reality of your choice. In each new moment you are gifted with the opportunity to use your free will to create from a pallet of resonant choices more aligned with the purity that exists within your heart and soul.
Don’t Get Caught Up in the Details -- Trust and Believe the Guidance You are Being Given by Your Higher Essence -- Let it Go and Be at Peace --
As always, I am in deep gratitude to my guidance system that continues to provide me with a stream of seaming-less serendipitous and synchronistic events and experiences in my life that allow me to connect to the higher frequencies of my higher self and to Creator.
With Love & Grace,