As we continue to witness the extraordinary global events taking place day by day, experience their physical, emotional, and spiritual affects individually and as a species, we must recognize our choice to be present here at this unique time on the Earth. In these unprecedented days of geophysical shifting and cultural change propelling enormous shifts in conscious awareness, each of us, in our own way and timing are being triggered to recall our true nature, to accept, and step into our roles for higher purpose. Each day offers us opportunity to participate and contribute our purpose with love, grace, and gratitude as we meet our challenges.
Each one of us have been, are being, and will continue to be called upon to, in the moment, realize the significance and responsibility of our creative potential. Each moment allows us an option to be pioneers of the future, creating a new world, and a new reality to exist in. Not only is it our responsibility, it’s why we are present here now. We are here to welcome and reintegrate the joy and purity of life, unconditional love, truth, Divine Law, and harmony back into the hearts and souls of humanity and all existence!
It is Humanity’s request at this time, that all forms of greed, fear based control, corruption, irreverence of life, forced belief that Humanity is disconnected from Divine Order, be ushered out, and replaced with Universal Harmony. As we step into full knowing and trust we are the expressive extensions of Creator we are choosing to manifest into reality Universal Harmony, unconditional love, and truth.
Realize your individual uniqueness and the power of your presence in the moment to creatively express your personal contribution resonant with Divine Order, with Divine Behavioral Integrity, and Universal Harmony ~
With Love & Grace,