My Sacred Connection is a collection of intuitive writings about the soul's experiential journey connecting with the energy of Creator; its about the Self meeting it's Higher Self and attuning the finite mind with the infinite mind or Divine Mind; its the process of our soul's evolution and expansion; it's consciousness merging with Creator, with Light, Love and Truth.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Recalibration ~

During a recent trip across the country, I had a very interesting experience happen to me. I am sharing this experience with you, in hope, it will elicit a recall of your own embedded information awaiting you, from your loving and protecting guidance system ~

One morning as my husband and I were driving through one of the beautiful states of our country, all of a sudden I started to feel light headed, my physical body began to feel light in weight, and I felt as if I existed outside of my body in another dimension while still present in this one. Simultaneously, I felt my physical heart stop beating momentarily, then shortly after it began beating again seemingly into a new rhythm.

Immediately, my human mind connected with the physical experience, wondering if there was something physically wrong with me that I should be concerned about. A moment later a feeling of full knowing came over me, that I was physically fine however, was experiencing an energetic recalibration. Trusting in that knowing, I comfortably, was able to relax and breathe into the experience allowing the process to unfold.

At the time, I didn’t focus on trying to receive any specific information about what was happening as much as I felt impressed to just intend and allow the information to embed into my being to recall and use at a later time.
A couple of weeks have passed since that experience and I have gone about my daily routine however, something has felt different. An interesting feeling of peace, enormous expansion, and a sense of unlimited creative potential in spite of all that is going on in our external world.

Interestingly enough, prior to this experience I was feeling impressed to re-evaluate different situations, relationships, and agreements in my life that have kept me feeling limited, controlled, and manipulated. As a result of having set that intent, it’s been as if someone looking down from above with a master check list has been helping me clear away situations that don’t contribute to who I feel I am morphing into.

I must say, each situation has demanded my full trust, requiring me to adopt an “out with the old, in with the new” attitude. In doing so, I feel as though I have created a back and forth dialogue in the form of a wordless energetic exchange, allowing a re-organization of what to integrate into my life. This energetic exchange has begun to present new opportunities, unfolding organically more suiting to me, and aligned to create from a space of reverence of Universal Harmony.

With a full knowing that my energetic anatomy is a living and creative expression of the consciousness I embody at any particular time. I feel connected, confident, and competent to continue creating with this new interactive process and energetic potential. Without my being attached to the outcome, requiring only trust in my convictions, that once I choose to let go of what does not feel right, there will be an energy exchange more resonant with a new Universal Harmony.

In Gratitude, to recall and recognize this ability to create from the purity and space of original creation founded in love and reverence, the intent to up hold the integrity of the Divine Order. I now feel free, and supported to attract loving experiences, opportunities, and ultimately a new reality to exist within. 

Recommended Audio Healing Sessions ~
Caroline Cory:

Healing Center: Library ~
Ascension: Clarifying & Releasing Fears
Brain Channel Alignment: New Paradigm
Calibrating Your Human-Divine DNA

Other Supportive Information ~

With Love & Grace,


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